How Long Does Ham Last? (Shelf Life Guide)

Justin Micheal

Food Writer & Editor in Chief For KitchenSanity

Justin Micheal is KitchenSanity's founder, food writer and editor in chief. As an expert home cook with over 30 years of daily cooking experience and food handler certifications, he's a pro at experimenting with recipes and a stickler for food safety. He writes informative and detailed guides about cooking basics such as proper food storage, cutting and cooking methods, and choosing the right products to make cooking easier.

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Have you ever found yourself staring at a chunk of ham in your fridge, wondering if it’s still good to eat? It’s tempting to add it to a soup or fry it when you’re unsure, but that might not be the right call. So, does ham go bad?

Absolutely, like all meats, ham has its limits. While it’s a hearty meat, it doesn’t last forever, especially if not stored correctly.

In this guide, I’ll break down the ins and outs of ham’s shelf life, giving you the knowledge to enjoy it at its best.

How Long Is Ham Good For?

To simplify things, I’ve put together a table detailing the shelf life of various types of ham based on where they’re stored.

Storage MethodShelf LifeNote
Fresh Ham – Refrigerator3-5 daysStore in a sealed container.
Fresh Ham – FreezerUp to 6 monthsWrap tightly before freezing.
Cooked Ham (leftovers) – Refrigerator3-4 daysKeep in airtight containers.
Spiral Ham – Refrigerator3-5 daysStore in original packaging if possible.
Ham Slices – Refrigerator3-5 daysStore in sealed containers.
Luncheon Meat – Refrigerator3-5 days (once opened)Keep in original packaging and place in an airtight container or bag.
Country Ham – RefrigeratorUp to 1 weekKeep in a cool, dry place.

After checking out the table, you might wonder about spoilage signs. For a closer look into this topic, I recommend reading my article on “How to tell if ham is bad.” You’ll find the most common signs to watch out for.

Ham’s longevity isn’t just about the expiration date on the packaging. It’s also about how it’s been handled, stored, and even the type of ham you’ve got.

From country and spiral hams to those delicious slices you throw into a sandwich, each has its own timeline of freshness.

Think about that ham sandwich you had for lunch or the ham you served at family gatherings. How long can they sit out? How should they be stored?

In The Fridge

Ham’s shelf life in the fridge varies based on its type. Fresh ham typically lasts 3-5 days, while cooked leftovers can be good for 3-4 days. Spiral ham and ham slices have a similar timeline of 3-5 days. Luncheon meats, once opened, should be consumed within 3-5 days, and country hams can last up to a week.

If your ham’s still in its original packaging, that’s golden. If not, wrap it up in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. For an added touch, I sometimes tuck it into an airtight container.

packaged ham in fridge

But here’s where you’ve got to be a bit careful. Avoid placing your ham near foods with strong odors. Onions, garlic, and some cheeses can transfer their flavors. Also, steer clear of the fridge door. It’s the warmest spot and can mess with your ham’s shelf life.

And you should always be on ham patrol. If you spot any funky colors, an off-putting smell, or anything that screams “not right,” it’s time to toss it.

Remember, it’s not just about taste. It’s about keeping things safe. If something’s off, it’s better to let it go than risk getting someone sick with food poisoning!

Left Out At Room Temperature

Typically, ham shouldn’t sit out for more than 2 hours. If it’s a particularly hot day, above 90°F, that window shrinks to just 1 hour. The clock starts ticking fast once they’re out of the fridge or oven.

You might’ve noticed a change if you’ve ever tasted ham that’s been out for a bit. The flavor can become a tad more pronounced, and the texture might feel a bit drier.

sliced ham dinner on table

But it’s not just about it drying out. The warmth can accelerate the breakdown of fats in the ham, altering its taste and feel.

Avoid covering ham with plastic wrap or placing it in airtight containers when it’s sitting out. This can trap moisture and warmth, creating a playground for bacteria. Instead, loosely cover it with a cloth or paper towel. This allows it to breathe while protecting it from contaminants.

Harmful bacteria love room temperature and can multiply rapidly on your ham. If your ham has been out too long, it’s not just about it tasting off. Consuming it can lead to food poisoning.

Always prioritize food safety! It’s better to be safe and toss it out.

In The Freezer

When it comes to freezing, ham steps up its game. Fresh ham can chill out in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Cooked leftovers? They’re good for about 3-4 months. Spiral ham and ham slices can hang tight for 1-2 months, while luncheon meats should be enjoyed within the same timeframe. However, Country hams are a bit different and best if used within a month, according to the USDA.

ham wrapped in freezer

I’ve always been a fan of freezing, especially when I’ve got more ham than I can handle. Freezing locks in the ham’s freshness, making it a great option for longer storage. I’ve pulled out frozen ham months later, and it’s like taking a tasty trip back in time.

But, there’s an art to freezing. First, you’ll want to wrap that ham tight in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

For an extra layer of protection, I use heavy-duty freezer bags. Make sure you jot down the date on the package so you’re not guessing how long that ham’s been in the deep freeze.

What Affects The Shelf Life Of Ham

Ham Condition

The condition of your ham plays a big role in how long it’ll stay fresh. If it’s fresh from the store, hasn’t been mishandled, and is free from any nicks or cuts, it’s got a better shot at a longer fridge life.

dry leftover ham pieces

If you’ve got a piece of ham that’s nearing its end, think of it as an excuse for an impromptu ham sandwich, soup, or a quick scramble with some eggs.

And if it’s past the point of no return? It’s okay to say goodbye. Or if you spot any piece that’s gone off, get rid of the whole batch to be safe.


Ham is not as prone to bruising as a ripe peach, but it can still get damaged, especially those thinly sliced pieces.

Be gentle with your ham when you’re unpacking groceries or moving things around in the fridge. Avoid squishing it at the bottom of the fridge or tossing it carelessly into the freezer.

A little TLC goes a long way. By being mindful and giving your ham the gentle touch it deserves, you’re setting the stage for a longer, fresher shelf life.

Storage Temperature

Ideally, you’ll want to store your ham between 34°F and 38°F in the fridge. That’s the sweet spot where it’s cold enough to keep things fresh but not so cold that it freezes.

By keeping ham cool, you’re slowing down bacterial growth, which is the main culprit behind spoilage.

Also, ham doesn’t like it too dry or too damp. If it’s too dry, the ham can lose its moisture, leading to that dreaded freezer burn-like texture. Conversely, if it’s too humid, you’re inviting mold and bacteria to thrive.

Ham Shelf Life FAQs

How long is ham good for after the sell-by date?

Ham can still be good for a few days after the “sell-by date.” However, it’s essential to check for signs of spoilage. Trust your senses: if it smells or looks off, it’s best to toss it.

How long can you keep a defrosted ham in the fridge?

Once thawed, ham should be eaten within 3-5 days. But if that ham lingered in the fridge close to its expiration before you froze it, thawing won’t reset the clock. It might not be safe to eat once defrosted.

Why is my whole ham slimy?

While a slightly slimy texture can be natural, if your ham smells off or if the slime is excessive and very thick, it’s a good idea to be cautious and consider throwing it out. A slimy texture can indicate bacterial growth, a sign that the ham is starting to or has spoiled, which can make you sick.

Is ham still good after 7 days?

It depends on the type of ham. While cured country hams might last up to a week, other varieties, like fresh or cooked ham, are best consumed within 3-5 days. You should always check for spoilage before eating.

How long does a ham bone last in the fridge?

A ham bone can be stored in the fridge for 3-4 days. Consider freezing it for longer storage if you plan to use it for soups or broths. Before using it, check it quickly to ensure it’s still in good condition.

Written By Justin Micheal

Justin Micheal is KitchenSanity's founder, food writer and editor in chief. As an expert home cook with over 30 years of daily cooking experience and food handler certifications, he's a pro at experimenting with recipes and a stickler for food safety. He writes informative and detailed guides about cooking basics such as proper food storage, cutting and cooking methods, and choosing the right products to make cooking easier.

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