When selecting a low acid coffee, it’s important to remember that an acidic flavor doesn’t necessarily indicate a higher acidic content.
In this guide we review some of the best low acid coffee brands and least acidic coffees to help you enjoy a cup without an stomach upset.
Our Favorite Low Acid Coffees
Volcanica Espresso Dark Roast
Volcanica coffees are 100% Arabica beans and thus lower in acid than Robusta beans. In addition to a lower acidity across their product line, Volcanica offers an espresso dark roast for fans of rich, hearty coffee flavor.
This bean offers an intense aroma with a caramel sweetness that offers more than caffeinated alertness; it targets all your senses and gets your brain moving!
The 16 ounce bags of Espresso Dark Roast are available in whole bean and grinds from French press to espresso.
This bean is also available in a low acid decaf coffee. While some decaffeination processes use acid to strip caffeine and oil from the bean, Volcanica uses the Swiss water method for a clean decaf process and lush coffee flavor.
Volcanica coffee beans are not roasted until you place your order. Your package of fresh roasted, low acid coffee beans will arrive fresh and ready to grind or brew. The scent of freshly brewed coffee is often a promise of what accomplishments the day will bring. Volcanica can help you keep your promises.
Gran Reserve Kona Peaberry Coffee
Kona Peaberry coffee beans are grown near the Mauna Loa volcano of Hawaii.
This fair trade coffee is harvested by hand and offers a low acid, nutty flavor with a rich coffee aroma.
Kona coffee is wet processed and dried in the sun for consistent flavor.
It’s important to note that many Kona “blends” are currently available and claim to offer rich Kona flavor.
These blends often contain less than 10% Kona coffee and are neither wet processed nor grown on the Hawaiian Islands. If low acid Kona is your desire, avoid blends.
Volcanica Geisha Coffee Costa Rica
Of the low acid coffee brands available, Geisha Coffee is the oldest variety.
These unique plants originated in Ethiopia and are naturally lower in caffeine than most coffee.
Geisha beans are not often found commercially, so this coffee is a rare treat.
This coffee offers maximum flavor at a medium roast.
In addition to being lower in caffeine than many coffees, Geisha is lower in acid and has a slight sweetness.
This coffee is a welcomed treat for those hoping for a stomach friendly coffee as many forms of low caffeine or no caffeine coffees are unpleasantly bitter and harsh on the tongue.
Tres Cumbres Peru Coffee
The Peruvian coffee known as Tres Cumbres is grown high in the South American Andes and offers delicious flavor with a bit of tang.
Tres Cumbres is medium roasted for great flavor and mild acidity.
While some fans of dark coffee flavor may be disappointed in the intensity of flavors available in low acid coffees, Peru Coffee has enough of an edge to keep serious coffee drinkers satisfied.
For those who have a medical need for the least acidic coffee but doesn’t want to give up on flavor, this bean is an ideal choice.
The medium roasting process releases flavor that offers a hint of sharpness and a fresh, bright finish to your coffee treat. However, this mild bean is never bland or boring thanks to the floral aroma.
Koa Coffee Grande Domaine
Fans of Hawaiian grown coffee will absolutely love Grande Domaine coffee.
This large and luscious coffee bean is grown on some of the oldest coffee plants on the Hawaiian coffee trees.
This coffee is Vienna roasted for a bit of smoky and sweet flavor, but no dark bitterness.
Grande Domaine is available only in automatic drip and whole bean. For best flavor and aroma via French press or espresso, Koa coffee strongly recommends grinding your whole beans just before preparation for the best flavor and richest aroma.
These beans are graded by size and offer plenty of rich coffee bean fruit content for wonderful roasting quality.
No matter the roasting intensity, Hawaiian coffee is often wet processed and offers a full, rich flavor under the smoky roasted bite.
Thanks to the large beans used in Grande Domaine, a rich roasting intensity and wonderful flavor are easily combined for a memorable beverage.
Puroast Low Acid Coffee House Blend
Puroast coffee is low in acid and high in antioxidants, offering a great healthful boost to drinkers while providing a morning beverage that’s kind to the stomach.
Many drinkers suffering from heartburn, ulcers or the nausea of chemotherapy have been able to enjoy a fresh cup of Puroast coffee first thing in the morning.
This bean is slow roasted over a wood fire. Research indicates that this style of roasting leads to a high level of antioxidants and a low amount of bitterness and acidity. Puroast coffee is available in both caffeinated and decaffeinated beans.
Related | Best Decaf Coffee Beans
The Puroast bean and roasting process were discovered on a Venezuelan coffee farm. These beans offer a unique and lush beverage; an ideal combination of mild acidity and full-bodied roasted flavor.
HealthWise Colombian Supremo
Healthwise gourmet coffee is ground from 100% Arabica beans. The TechnoRoasting process protects it from turning bitter, even after time on the burner or cooling and reheating.
Luckily, while many low-acid coffees are instant coffees combining hot water and crystals, this coffee is formulated for drip brewing.
If you’re accustomed to a strong cup of coffee, you may have to play with the amount of coffee grind you add to the filter.
While the instructions encourage users to avoid adding too much coffee, some users prefer more flavor and need more ground coffee per brew.
HealthWise coffee is a very forgiving beverage. Should you overload your coffee filter or leave it on the burner too long, you can still enjoy a mild cup of coffee with plenty of rich coffee flavor.
Pablo’s Pride Gourmet Guatemalan Coffee
Pablo’s Pride coffee beans are grown high in the mountains of Guatemala and processed in small batches for consistent roasting quality and great flavor from every cup.
Pablo’s uses only Arabica beans grown under the shade canopy in rich, volcanic soil.
This coffee is packaged in two pound bags, so keep that in mind when you’re comparing prices.
You will want a burr grinder when you purchase Pablo’s, because the company only ships whole beans to provide you the freshest possible cup of coffee.
Related | How Long Does Coffee Last?
TruCup Low Acid Coffee
No products found.TruCup is processed in a steamer bath specifically to remove acids from the beans prior to roasting.
If low acidity coffee has not worked for you in the past, TruCup may still make it possible for you to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning.
In addition to all the work they do to reduce acid, TruCup roasting artisans produce a light roast, a medium roast and a French roast for a variety of flavors in a gentle cup of coffee.
Some varieties of TruCup offer K cup pods and you can also get this coffee in a French Press roast.
TruCup can be purchased in twelve ounce to one pound bags.
If you’ve had unpleasant reactions to new coffees in the past, these smaller containers and single pound package purchases can save you a large investment in a product that doesn’t agree with you.
Simpatico Low Acid Coffee
Simpatico low acid coffee features 100% Arabica beans and is grown near Oaxaca, Mexico.
This coffee is picked from shade grown coffee plants and offers Straight Trade certification, promoting coffee grown by single farmers in remote areas and meeting standards of fair pay, some organic restrictions and negotiating a fair price for these delicious coffee beans.
No matter your low acid coffee needs, Simpatico also provides the bonus of great flavor, luscious yet smooth coffee, and both regular and decaffeinated coffees.
Because the beans are grown in a specific region and treated via water bath to remove the caffeine, this coffee is roasted with a promise of great flavor and great consistency from regular to deaf and first sip to last.
If reflux, heartburn or other issues related to hyper acidity have damaged your chance to enjoy great coffee, try Simpatico.
This brand offers all the measuring and storage conveniences of regular coffee and may be the least acidic coffee in this article. However, it still produces a mild and delicious cup of coffee.
Final Thoughts
If you’re concerned that your digestive issues are related to your coffee intake, consider switching to a lower acid brand.
Adding milk or cream to your coffee is not just a matter of taste or calories. Foods high in calcium can lower the pH of your coffee.
We’re curious to know what your favorite low acid coffee is and how it’s made drinking coffee easier for you.